
DEP project

Primary LanguageCSS

Steps to Set Up

  1. go to Foodium/client/ and run command 'npm install'
  2. go to Foodium/server/ and run command 'npm install'

Steps to run the App

  1. go to Foodium/client/ and run command 'npm start'
  2. go to Foodium/server/ and run command 'npm start'
  3. HTTPS=true SSL_CRT_FILE=cert.crt SSL_KEY_FILE=cert.key npm start

To change theme REMEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. go to Foodium/client/ lessc src/assets/main.less src/assets/mainl.css --js

to add https

set HTTPS=true&&set SSL_CRT_FILE=server.cert&&set SSL_KEY_FILE=server.key&&react-scripts start