Maavee mpkg package manager
The Maavee mpkg package manager is a tool to manage '.mav' packages. This tool is designed for run in Linux From Scratch (LFS) systems. LFS systems does not have package managers that is why we use this tool to manage packages under an LFS system. Currently this program is in development.
How do I get start?
To generate gnu autotools, type.
autoreconf -iv
And then prepare for the compiling and compile the package.
If some one needs to enable debugging features use --enable-debug
for the ./configure
The compiled executable mpkg
will be awailable in src/bin.
Still it does not have custom database location changer and custom install
log disabling feature. So the database locations will be /var/lib/mpkg/mpkg.db
and install logs will be in /var/lib/mpkg/copy-logs
please do not install this program because this program is still in development stage. All other documentation can be obtained from doc/ directory.
Contribution guidelines
- You can use your own debugging tools but I recommend valgrind and gdb to debug your executable(s).
- To beautify the code you can use uncrustify(The code beautifier for C). On some distributions this command does not exist. I recommend to use uncrustify.cfg as the default uncrustify config because it is a small derivative of uncrustify examples with a litle customizations.
- You can download the uncrustify source and compile it yourself.
- There are small scripts in the scripts/ directory you can use them to manage code yourself.
- And there are some example codes in directory examples/
Coding style
Please folow linux kernel coding style It is the most widely used coding style in C programming.
- you should enter new line at the end of every source file.
If someone wants to contact me please use