
DSA Lab Course (CS 211), IIT Dharwad

Primary LanguageC++



All the codes of DSA Lab Course (CS 211) are given here. Further, each lab session has been put in different directory as shown above.

Problem Statements

Each lab assignment will have a .pdf file consisiting of problem statement, where the problem asked has been explained explicitly.

Test Cases

Some test cases along with their respective answers have already been attached there.


The code(s) in each directory has been named as 180010027.cpp.

  1. Assignment 1
    This assignment is for the implementation of Stacks, Queues and Doubly Linked Lists.
  2. Assignment 2
    This assignment is for the implementation of Binary Search Tree and all the related operations in BSTs.
  3. Assignment 3
    This assignment is for the implementation of Heaps and all the related operations in Heaps.
  4. Assignment 4
    This assignment is for the implementation of Merge Sort and Quick Sort.
  5. Assignment 5
    This assignment is for the implementation of Radix Sort.
  6. Assignment 6
    This assignment is to implement BFS to solve the shortest path problem on directed graphs and to implement DFS to do Topological Sorting of a DAG.
  7. Assignment 7
    This assignment is to implement Kruskal's Algorithm to find MST of a given connected edge-weighted undirected graph.
  8. Assignment 8
    This assignment is to implement Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path distances from a source vertex to every vertex in the input graph, which is directed and has non-negative weights on edges.
  9. Assignment 9
    This assignment is to implement Hashing using Doubly Linked lists.
  10. Assignment 10
    This assignment is to implement Extended Euclidean algorithm.

All the details regarding each assignment is given in its respective directory.

PR's are open for refinement and betterment in codes.