Cryptography and Network Security lab assignments

Primary LanguageC

Cryptography and Network Security lab assignments To configure

1- Install gmp

Download gmp library from here- https://gmplib.org/ - DOWNLOAD.

Please note that we enable c++ also.

Steps for installation on a Unix-like system- i. Unzip gmp-6.0.0a.tar.bz2 ii. In the terminal, go to parent directory of gmp-6.0.0 iii. ./configure --enable-cxx iv. make v. make check vi. sudo make install

2- Install Givaro library

Download givaro 3.8.0 from here- https://forge.imag.fr/frs/?group_id=187

Replace these two files- givpoly1io.inl, givpoly1io.inl at “givaro-3.8.0/src/library/poly1/” with those in folder “assets” of ECC.zip

Steps for installation on a Unix-like system- i. Unzip givaro-3.8.0.tar ii. In the terminal, go to parent directory of givaro-3.8.0 iii. ./configure --prefix=/tmp/givaro-exec iv. make; make install

To compile GMP programs: gcc program_name.c -l gmp