
Component that enables integration with external monitoring services.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


Installation Details

The following steps outline the procedure to install monitoring-integration component.

Note :

All the commands mentioned below are run as a regular user that has sudo privileges.
  1. Installing Monitoring-Integration


    Make sure tendrl repositories are enabled. https://github.com/Tendrl/documentation/wiki/Tendrl-Package-Installation-Reference

    $ yum install tendrl-monitoring-integration
  2. Configure Graphite

    $ /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/graphite/manage.py syncdb
      --noinput chown apache:apache /var/lib/graphite-web/graphite.db
  3. Start/Restart server to load new configurations

  • Enable and start carbon-cache service

    $ systemctl enable carbon-cache
    $ systemctl start carbon-cache
  • Start grafana server

    $ systemctl daemon-reload
    $ systemctl enable grafana-server.service
    $ systemctl start grafana-server
  • Restart httpd

    $ systemctl restart httpd
  1. Configuring Monitoring-Integration
  • Open monitoring-integration.conf.yaml:

    $ vi /etc/tendrl/monitoring-integration/monitoring-integration.conf.yaml
  • Update datasource_host with IP of the server:

    datasource_host = <IP of the server>

    Note :

    Do not provide localost or

  1. Running Monitoring-Integration
  • Run monitoring-integration

    $ tendrl-monitoring-integration
  1. Open Grafana
  • Open the following URL in the browser

    http://<IP of the server>:3000