
A large-scale web app aimed to facilitate the workflow of a team collaborating on the same project.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A large-scale web app aimed to facilitate the workflow of a team collaborating on the same project.

  • Client built with React, Redux, Styled Components, Webpack, and Babel
  • Server built with TypeScript, Node.js, Express.js, JSON Web Token, MongoDB and Mongoose
  • Deployed using Digital Ocean with Docker containers


  • Written in modern React, only functional components with hooks
  • CSS-in-JS styling using styled-component library
  • A variety of custom light-weight UI components such as datepicker, modal, various form elements etc
  • Complex front-end global states management using Redux with Redux Thunk and other helper libraries.
  • Custom React environment setup using Webpack and Babel without create-react-app or similar
  • API written in TypeScript and using Express.js
  • Role Based Access Control to restricts network access based on a user's role within an organization
  • Modular and easily scalable code structure
  • User authentication and authorization using JSON Web Tokens
  • Image file upload developed with Cloudinary API
  • Launched using Digital Ocean with the Docker containers and Cloudflare for an extra security layer.

User Level Features

  • Project
    • Create/edit/delete an issue within a project (Story, Task, or Bug)
    • Move an issue within a column or between two columns to change the issue status
    • Create/edit/delete a column on a kanban board
    • Move a column and change the order of columns on a kanban board
    • Search issues by assigned user(s) or summary/title.
    • Create/edit/delete an epic issue (a large body of work with a deadline)
    • Drag an epic element horizontally to change the epic's start date and deadline visually and easily
    • Create an issue on calendar view with a deadline to visually see what needs to be done on the day/week/month.
  • User Account
    • Login or logout
    • Register and create a new user account
    • Edit user profile (name, email, profile image, etc)
  • Project Management
    • Create a new project, or delete an existing one
    • Edit project properties
    • Manage members of a project
  • Admin Settings
    • Alter a member's role (Admin, Project Manager, or Member)
    • View a user's organization info and all the active projects

What I Learned

  • Benefits of using React functional components with hooks
  • How to manage complex front-end global states in a large-scale app using Redux with Redux Thunk and other helper libraries.
  • How to create more moduler and easily scalable code structure.
  • How to set up react environment using Webpack and Babel without create-react-app or similar
  • Benefits of using styled-compoenent library instead of Sass or similar
  • How to handle user authentication/authorization securely using JSON Web Token.
  • How to write TypeScript and benefits of using it
  • More knowledge of creating a REST API with Node.js and MongoDB for more complex interactions between front-end and back-end
  • How to deploy the app on Digital Ocean with docker containers and Cloudflare

Setup and Running

  • Prerequisites
    • Node
    • MongoDB
  • Clone repo git@github.com:takkuyu/project-management-app.git
  • Server
    • Go to /api
    • Copy sample.env to .env for database credentials and JWT access token
    • Run npm install
  • React Client
    • Go to /client directory
    • Run npm install
  • Development








Copyright (c) 2021 Takaya Hirose https://github.com/takkuyu