
Add tags to documents, display tags in DocLister, for EvolutionCMS

Primary LanguageSmarty


Add tags to documents, display tags in DocLister, display tags in pages, and include a tag-cloud.

Fashened to replace the old Ditto Blog tags with Doclister for Evo v1.4.12 and above.

Included in Package:


  • TagsLandingPage: Call to display in Landing Page
  • TagsCloud: Call to add a Tag-Cloud
  • TagsInPage: Call to add the tags to pages & summaries
  • TagsInSummary: Secondary method to include in summaries


  • documentTags: TV to add comma seperated tags to documents


  • TagsLandingPageTPL: Template used for "TagsLandingPage" call

How to setup...

NOTE: the tutorial is based and tested on Evolution v1.4.12 & v2.04 demo content

1. Create Tags Landing Page

  • Create new Resource named, for example, "Tags".

(A few recomendations, but not required: un-mark "Show in menu" & "Rich-text".)

  • Include the following call from "TagsLandingPage" Snippet:
<h2>You are viewing tags for: <span style="color:green;">[+tags+]<span></h2><hr>
  • Include the needed "TagsInPage" call to to the summary template to display the tags:
[[TagsInPage? &id=`[+id+]` &value=`[+documentTags+]` &separator=`, ` &path=`50` &label=`Tags: `]]

Where "documentTags" is the name of the TV that includes you tags and "50" is the ID of your tags landing page.

  • Adjust the landing pages summary template chunk "TagsLandingPageTPL" to your needs:


<div class="dl_summaryPost">
	<h3><a href="[~[+id+]~]" title="[+e.title+]">[+e.title+]</a></h3>
	<div class="dl_info">
		By <strong>[+user.username.createdby+]</strong> on [+date+].
		<a href="[+url+]#commentsAnchor">Comments <span class="badge">[+jotcount+]</span></a>
		<!-- Start Tags -->
		[[TagsInPage? &id=`[+id+]` &value=`[+documentTags+]` &separator=`, ` &path=`50` &label=`Tags: `]]
		<!-- End Tags -->
	<p class="dl_link">[+link+]</p>

2. Add Tag-Cloud

  • Include the following "TagsCloud" Snippet call into the desired page template:

(For example, page sidebar.)

[!TagsCloud? &parent=`2` &landing=`50` &tvTags=`documentTags` &showCount=`0`!]

3. Display Tags in Page

  • Include the following call into the desired page template:
[[TagsInPage? &tv=`documentTags` &separator=`, ` &path=`50` &label=`Tags: `]]

4. Adding Tags to your DocLsiter call

Method 1:

  • If your &tpl is referencing a Chunk template
  • Recommended method because of how Evo's parsing order.

If &tpl is refferencing a Chunk, include the "TagsInPage" Snippet:

[[TagsInPage? &id=`[+id+]` &value=`[+documentTags+]` &separator=`, ` &path=`50` &label=`Tags: `]]


<div class="dl_summaryPost">
	<h3><a href="[~[+id+]~]" title="[+e.title+]">[+e.title+]</a></h3>
	<div class="dl_info">
		By <strong>[+user.username.createdby+]</strong> on [+date+].
		<a href="[+url+]#commentsAnchor">Comments <span class="badge">[+jotcount+]</span></a>
		<!-- Start Tags -->
		[[TagsInPage? &id=`[+id+]` &value=`[+documentTags+]` &separator=`, ` &path=`50` &label=`Tags: `]]
		<!-- End Tags -->
	<p class="dl_link">[+link+]</p>

Method 2:

  • If your &tpl is using @CODE

If @CODE is being used, include the "TagsInSummary" Snippet:

[[TagsInSummary? &id=`tags` &tags=`[+documentTags+]` &tagsLanding=`50`]]


		<div class="dl_summaryPost">
			<h3><a href="[~[+id+]~]" title="[+e.title+]">[+e.title+]</a></h3>
			<div class="dl_info">
				By <strong>[+author+]</strong> on [+date+].
				<a href="[+url+]#commentsAnchor">Comments <span class="badge">[+jotcount+]</span></a><br>
				<!-- Start Tags -->
				Tags: [[TagsInSummary? &id=`tags` &tags=`[+documentTags+]` &tagsLanding=`50`]]
				<!-- End Tags -->
			<p class="dl_link">[+link+]</p>

Credits and Side Notes:

Most of the credit for this package goes to @Nicola1971 and his Doclister-Tags-in-Ditto-Style

Files were cleaned up and renamed for a more logical deployment. As well as a few minor fixes and adjustments.