Install Backend (1)

Install packages

Clone the project into local open your terminal, Install vendor using composer

composer update

Configure .env

Copy .env.example file

cp .env.example .env

Then run the following command :

php artisan key:generate

Migrate Data

create an empty database with mysql 8.x version, then setup that fresh db at your .env file, then run the following command to generate all tables and seeding dummy data:

php artisan migrate

Running Application

To serve the laravel app, you need to run the following command in the project director (This will serve your app, and give you an adress with port number 8000 or etc)

  • Note: You need run the following command into new terminal tab
php artisan serve

Documentation API

(Click Here for POSTMAN API Documentation)

Install Frontend (1)

Clone the project into local

Install all the npm packages. Go into the project folder and type the following command to install all npm packages

npm install

In order to run the application Type the following command

npm start

The Application Runs on localhost:3000