
Chat API with Socket.IO

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Socket.io Secure Chat Server Documentation


  • URL: Socket.io connection endpoint (e.g., http://your-server:your-port).
  • Request Message: The connection is initiated by the client connecting to the server using Socket.io. The client includes a handshake query with publicKey and username.
  • Response Message: Upon successful connection, the server emits a welcome event to the connected client, providing a sessionId (client's socket.id).

User Connection and Disconnection Events

  • Event: userConnected

    • Format: { id: clientId, username, publicKey }
    • Description: Broadcasted to all connected clients when a new user connects.
  • Event: userDisconnected

    • Format: { id: clientId }
    • Description: Broadcasted to all connected clients when a user disconnects.

Chat Events

  • Event: all_chat

    • Format: { senderId, username, message }
    • Description: Broadcasts a chat message to all connected clients.
  • Event: chat

    • Format: { senderId, message }
    • Description: Sends a chat message to a specific receiver.

Online Users Event

  • Event: online_users
    • Format: { online_users: [{ id, username }] }
    • Description: Sent to a newly connected client, providing a list of online users (excluding the client).

Disconnect Event

  • Event: disconnect
    • Description: Automatically triggered when a client disconnects. Removes the client from the array and broadcasts a 'userDisconnected' event.


  • The clients array stores information about connected clients.
  • The server logs connection, disconnection, and chat events to the console.

Example Code Snippet

const socket = io('http://your-server:your-port', {
  query: {
    publicKey: 'userPublicKey',
    username: 'userUsername',

socket.on('welcome', ({ sessionId }) => {
  console.log(`Welcome! Your session ID is ${sessionId}`);

// Other event listeners...