

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bangladesh Diploma Pharmacist Association

For open live



Functional Requirements


  • For Pharmacist collection
    • Admin can create a Pharmacist
    • Admin can delete, update and check Pharmacist profile
  • For User collection
    • Admin can change status of a user
    • Admin can add roles of a user to admin
    • Admin can set user adminDetails information


  • User can register themselves if Pharmacist exist with provided email
  • There will be following account status for a user
    • Pending
    • Active
    • Suspend
    • Rejected
  • User can login with their credentials
  • Active user can update their own Pharmacist profile without email and registration number
  • Pending, Suspend and Rejected user can not update their Pharmacist profile
  • Active user can update/change own password
  • User can logout

Requirements Analysis

Pharmacist model-

  • name
  • bn_name
  • email
  • mobile
  • dateOfBirth
  • gender
  • passingYear
  • regNumber
  • dateOfJoin
  • jobDepertment
  • postingDivision
  • postingDistrict
  • postingUpazila
  • postingPlace
  • voterDivision
  • voterDistrict
  • onDeputation
  • deputationDivision
  • deputationDistrict
  • deputationUpazila
  • deputationPlace

User model-

  • email
  • password
  • regNumber
  • pharmacistId
  • accountStatus
  • roles
  • adminDetails


Pharmacist routes

  • POST /pharmacist [public]
  • GET /pharmacist [public]
  • GET /pharmacist/:regNumber [public]
  • PUT /pharmacist/:regNumber [private]
  • PATCH /pharmacist/:regNumber [private]
  • DELETE /pharmacist/:regNumber [private]

Auth routes

  • POST /auth/register [public]
  • POST /auth/login [public]
  • GET /auth/logout [private]

User routes

  • POST /user [private]
  • GET /user [private]
  • GET /user/:userId [private]
  • PUT /user/:userId [private]
  • PATCH /user/:userId [private]
  • DELETE /user/:userId [private]