This is a simple todo list Express Js restfull api project with Typescript and Sequelize ORM for starting restfull api project.

Getting Started

git clone
create a mysql database from your machine with the name 'todo'
edit file .env.example according to your database configuration
change .env.example file name to .env
npm install
run migration for mapping into database engine
 ./node_modules/.bin/sequelize-cli db:migrate
open terminal : 
npm run ts
open another terminal :
npm run dev
# or
yarn ts
yarn dev

custom headers x-secret-key value Open http://localhost:8000 with postman for testing

create new migrations and model :

./node_modules/.bin/sequelize-cli model:generate --name table_name --attributes colomn_1:string,colomn_2:integer,colomn_3:text --underscored
run migration for mapping into database engine
./node_modules/.bin/sequelize-cli db:migrate