Point Of Sale is a simple marketplace RESTful API backend development side using golang

Primary LanguageGo

About This Project

Point of sale is a simple marketplace RESTful API backend development

What tech stack do I use?

  • Go Programming Language for common language
  • MySQL for Database Management
  • gorm.io/gorm for Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
  • gorilla/mux for Route Management
  • joho/godotenv for Env Management
  • github.com/golang-jwt/jwt for Authorization
  • golang.org/x/crypto for Generate and Hash Password


This is the instruction how you can test go-store on your local computer:


  • Make sure that you have installed MySQL on your computer.

    mysql --version

    If not installed, you can get it on MySQL Documentaion

  • Make sure that you have installed Go on your computer.

    go version

    If not installed, you can get it on Go Documentaion

  • Make sure that you have installed Git on your computer.

    git --version

    If not installed, you can get it on Git Documentaion

    Clone and Prepare Project

  • Clone this project.

    git clone https://github.com/risyafin/POS.git
  • Create new env file on project directory. Write the following into the env file. Example:


    Adjust to your environmental values. Then, save file with name .env

    Run Project

  • Make sure your MySQL service is running. You can confirm this with a command:

    sudo systemctl status mysql


    mysqladmin -u root -p status
  • Run Project on project directory path.

    go run .

    After the output write "server starting...." response, you can use this project. Good Luck!

Project Usage


Some endpoint is need authorization to be accessed. You can get the token JWT by login, don't forget to register new account first if no user exist on database.

Admin Route


  • /register, Register new admin. Example body:
	"name": "Samsul Arifin",
	"username": "SamsulArifin",
	"password": "samsul1234",
	"branchId": 1


  • /login, login admin. Example body:
	"username": "SamsulArifin",
	"password": "samsul1234"