
A boilerplate example for getting cross-platform reprocessing games off the ground

Primary LanguageOCaml


First go to https://github.com/jaredly/ocaml-cross-mobile/ to set up your cross-compilers.

Check out package.json to see what commands are available, or run npm run to see the list.

NOTE: macos is the only development platform currently supported.


I recommend using native build + hot reloading for most of your development, and only build to web or mobile to check things out.

npm start will get your bsb build going, and start the app. It will try to keep the app alive, by checking every second if it's died, and restarting it if it has.


npm run ios, and then open the ./ios/App.xcodeproj in Xcode to finish the build.


npm run android to build, or npm run android:run to build & install to the currently running emulator / attached device.


This code is all licensed Creative Commons CC0