Simple demonstration on building RESTful APIs using node, mongodb and express.
REST defines a set of conventions for creating HTTP services:
- POST: to create a resource
- PUT: to update it
- GET: to read it
- DELETE: to delete it
Express is a simple, minimalistic and lightweight framework for building web servers.
MongoDB is an open-source document database.
- It stores data in flexible, JSON- like documents.
- In relational databases we have tables and rows, in MongoDB we have collections and documents. A document can contain sub-documents.
- We don’t have relationships between documents.
Install the dependencies and start the server.
run `npm install`
run `npm run start`
* Build RESTful APIs with Express
* Asynchronous Javascript
* Storing data in MongoDB using Mongoose
* Authentication and Authorization (JWT -> Json Web Token)
* Input validation from the client
* Handling Errors
- Register User (create a user)
- Authenticate and Authorize user usng jwt
- Token Expiration
- Create a course
- Get all Courses
- Get Courses on user basis
- Get Course details
- Update Course
- Delete Course
- Add file/s in the course
- Delete file from the course