Financial Tracker
Finance tracker is a simple application that allow users to track their expenses and to analyze it. It helps the users to make smart financial decisions on their day-to-day life.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
run `npm install / yarn install`
run `npm start / yarn start`
Unit Test
Run the test with the following commands and generate test report coverage.
run `yarn test`
run `yarn test -- --coverage --watchAll=false`
### Tech Stack
* [React JS]
* [React-Redux]
* [Semantic Material UI, Ant Design]
* [Kendo React]
* [Enzyme]
# Features!
- User can create account such as bank account, cash, deposit, or asset.
- User can create a maximum of 4 accounts.
- User can carry out income or expense transaction on the selected account and on specific date.
- Expense/Income transaction can be categorised as per user requirement such as rent, grocery, salary and so on.
- Transaction records are displayed on a table with pagination, and default sort by transaction date.
- User can filter the transaction report between different periods and results are shown in graphical presentation (bar chart and pie chart).
- The graphs represent the expense/income report (bar chart) on specific account and also by the categories that they had spent on (pie chart).
- All the reports can be downloaded as pdf by the user as required.
- Graphs can be helpful to provide insights into user’s spending habits using all records
between periods and make better financial decisions.