
LARAVEL for REST apis for book module - crud operations with cookie based authentication system.

Primary LanguagePHP


This is the backend for book-store pack assessment test.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


1. Clone to local reposatry from main branch

2. Run "composer i" command - to install depandancy

4. Run migrations by "php artisan migrate"

5. Run "php artisan serve" command - to start server

6. Run "php artisan storage link" command - to connect storage to public folder for images

7. To seed database please use: "php artisan seed:BookData".

-- I have also uploaded the .env file for the easiness to testing.

After configuring the project

Now you should be seeing below screen image

Api endpoints for admin:

note: All the routes apart from (register and login) needs csrf token for access.

HTTP Verbs Endpoints Action
POST /api/register To sign up a new user account
POST /api/login To login an existing user account
POST api/book To create a new book
GET /api/causes To retrieve all books on the platform
GET api/book/{book} To retrieve details of a single book
PATCH/PUT api/book/{book} To edit the details of a single book
DELETE api/book/{book} To delete a book cause

Api endpoints for user:

HTTP Verbs Endpoints Action
GET /api/index To retrieve all books on the platform
GET api/show/{book:id} To retrieve details of a single book

How to add filters and search on index api

-> It will gives listing of all books in json format
-> you can modify this for searching and filtering functionalities like below:
-> for search "" : It will return all the data which contain abc word in it.
-> for filter "" : It will return all the data which has riya as a author. like this you can apply all the filters through url.
-> If you want to add both in a single request then: "" : 
It will give data where author is riya and has abc in its fields.