
Fault Detection in Distributed System using Gossip Protocols. Team: Ritesh Ghorse, Shreyas Muralidhara, Tanvi Pandit.

Primary LanguagePython

Fault Detection in Distributed Systems using Gossip Protocols

  • This project is an implementation of 4 Gossip protocols for failure detection in distributed system: Random Gossip, Round Robin Gossip, Binary Round Robin Gossip, Sequence Check Round Robin.

  • Implementation is in Python3.

  • XMLRPC is used for communication.

  • Each docker container serve as a different node.

Module Developers

  1. XMLRPC setup: Ritesh Ghorse
  2. 3- way handshake - Shreyas Muralidhara
  3. Random Gossip - Tanvi Pandit
  4. Binary Round Robin - Ritesh Ghorse
  5. Round Robin and Sequence Check Round Robin: Shreyas Muralidhara
  6. Monitoring Node: Ritesh Ghorse
  7. Provider Node: Shreyas Muralidhara
  8. Docker Containers: Tanvi Pandit
  9. Flask app: Tanvi Pandit
  10. Test Cases: Each of ous tested our implemented protocols. Sequence Check was divided evenly for test cases.

System Architecture and Gossip Protocols

System Architecture: image

Random Gossip:

Round Robin Gossip:

Binary Round Robin Gossip:

Sample commands for running 8-node system

docker exec -u root -it monitor-node /bin/bash
python Monitoring_Node.py --config config_files/monitor.json
docker exec -it provider-node /bin/bash
python Provider_Node.py --config config_files/provider.json --version random
docker exec -u root -it node1 /bin/bash
python gossip_server.py --config config_files/config1.json

docker exec -u root -it node2 /bin/bash
python gossip_server.py --config config_files/config2.json
docker exec -u root -it gossiprpc_node_3 /bin/bash
python gossip_server.py 
docker exec -u root -it gossiprpc_node_4 /bin/bash
python gossip_server.py 
docker exec -u root -it gossiprpc_node_5 /bin/bash
python gossip_server.py
docker exec -u root -it gossiprpc_node_6 /bin/bash
python gossip_server.py
docker exec -u root -it gossiprpc_node_7 /bin/bash
python gossip_server.py
docker exec -u root -it gossiprpc_node_8 /bin/bash
python gossip_server.py

Test Case 1: Single Node Failure

  • Terminate one node by hitting "Ctrl+C" on one of the running node.
  • Immideately enter 1 on the Monitoring Node terminal.
  • It will write out the results in "results.txt" file once it reaches consensus.

Test Case 2: Single Node Failure

  • Terminate two nodes simultaneously by hitting "Ctrl+C" on two of the running nodes.
  • Immideately enter 2 on the Monitoring Node terminal.
  • It will write out the results in "results.txt" file once it reaches consensus.

Test Case 3: Dead Node becomes Alive

  • Start the previously terminated node again.
  • Immideately enter 3 on the Monitoring Node terminal.
  • It will write out the results in "results.txt" file once it reaches consensus.

Steps for running Docker-Compose

  1. Build image of the application

    docker build -t gossip <path-to-Dockerfile>
  2. Spin up the containers

    • When doing it for the first time
    docker-compose up -d --build --scale node=<no of containers to spin apart from seed nodes>
    • For subsequent runs when the image is the same
    docker-compose up -d --scale node=<no of containers to spin apart from seed nodes>
  3. Entering into the container

    sudo docker exec -it <container-name> /bin/bash
  4. Adding a new container into the network without docker-compose

    • Make sure you create an image for the code beforehand
        docker build -t gossip <path-to-Dockerfile>
    • Run the container
        docker run -it --name <container-name-optional> --network gossip_network gossip

Running as standalone docker containers

    • docker build -t gossip . -> builds docker image
    • docker network create --driver bridge gossip-network -> creates network
    • docker run -it --name monitor-node --network gossip-network gossip -> run the docker image
    • Inside the terminal
    app_user@bd390faf66db:~$ python Monitoring_Node.py --config ./config/monitor.json 

    -> this is like a new terminal use it as monitor-node

  1. Provider Node

    • docker run -it --name provider-node --network gossip-network gossip -> run the docker image Inside the terminal
    app_user@bd390faf66db:~$ python Provider_Node.py --config ./config/provider.json 

    -> this is like a new terminal use it as provider-node

  2. New terminal for node 1

    • docker run -it --name node1 --network gossip-network gossip
    • Inside the terminal
    app_user@bd390faf66db: python gossip_server.py --config ./config/config1.json
  3. New terminal for node 2

    • docker run -it --name node2 --network gossip-network gossip
    • Inside the terminal
    app_user@bd390faf66db: python gossip_server.py --config ./config/config1.json
  4. Normal node

    • docker run -it --network gossip-network gossip
    • Inside the terminal app_user@bd390faf66db: python gossip_server.py
    • docker rm $(docker ps --filter name=node* -aq) --> kill the docker dameon running earlier

Remove all the containers

docker-compose down

Stop all the exited containers

docker stop $(docker ps --filter status=running -q)