Questions to raise:

  • Site usage

    • user count
    • node count
    • site access anayltics
  • Site Architecture

  • Server Architecture

    • hosting provider.

    • Solr in use?

    • Failover for web server.

    • Failover for mysql.

    • Failover for solr.

    • Server configuration.

      • RAM, Storage, mysql storage, load balancer
    • Monitoring and notifications

  • Current Issues

    • Performance issues on specific pages?
  • Access to database and code base


  • Setup site on local and run through following tools
  1. Performance

    • Tool: Blackfire.
  2. Overall site review

     * Caching
     * Modules unused
     * Unused content types and fields
     * Aggregation of css/js
     * Get file size of files managed by Drupal
     * Cron status(its important we have last cron entry as drupal does lot of cleanup on cron run)
     * Storage Engine(Inno DB)
     * Modules Count enabled
     * Any development module
     * Any hacked modules (core and custom)
     * Update to Drupal Core
     * Update to contrib module
     * Database logging
     * Field Count
  3. Coding Standards

    • Drupal directory structure
    • run code sniffer on all custom modules.
  4. Helper Commands

    • drush aa --html --bootstrap --detail --skip=insights > ~/Desktop/report.html (when site_audit tool is installed).
    • drush asec (when Drupalgeddon is installed).
    • phpcs --standard=Drupal