
This will capture images as a baseline for the first run, then compare with the images from the next run.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Visual Regression Test with WebDriverIO & WebDriverCSS

This will capture images as a baseline for the first run, and compare with the images from the next run.

This project is based on WebdriverIO, WebdriverCSS with Mocha Testing Framework and Spec reporting.

WebDriverCSS requires GraphicsMagick for image processing, so remember to install it to your local machine before running any tests.


Install packages

npm install

Getting Started

Run this command to run your test

npm test

The first time you run, it will create base images. The next time you run, it will create regression images. If there are any differents. It will be saved under screenshots/--/diffs folder.

For Development

If you want run one test only, you can use

npm run dev path-to-file.js


WebDriverIO API Get Started with Visual Regression Testing and WebdriverIO