State of the Art Deep learning based "Image Denoising" algorithm : DnCNN implementation in Keras and Pytorch for dicom, jpeg and numpy data.
How to Run the Training:
- Run the following command from the terminal: “Python “ and pass the following arguments:
--batch_size --val_data --train_data -- sigma --epoch --lr --save_every All the trained model weights would be saved in the “models” directory of this project.
How to Run the Inference:
Run the following command from the terminal: “Python” and pass the following arguments:
--set_dir --sigma --model_dir --model_name -- result_dir -- save_results
. dncnn Code Root Directory |- data Images directory |- test Test images directory |-train Training images |- val validation images |- data loader method implementation |- PyTorch data transformations implementation |- Projects main file to start the training |- Projects main file to run inference |- logs Tensor board logs |- models saved model weights |- results inference output images