Bulk Purchase Automation with Selenium

This Python script automates the process of bulk purchasing vignettes using Selenium WebDriver. It reads data from a CSV file containing information about the purchase orders and interacts with a web application to place the orders accordingly.


  • Python 3.x
  • Selenium WebDriver
  • Chrome WebDriver (chromedriver)


  1. Install Python 3.x from python.org.

  2. Install Selenium WebDriver using pip:

    pip install selenium


  1. Download the Chrome WebDriver (chromedriver) compatible with your Chrome browser version from here.

  2. Update the executable_path variable in the script to point to the location of the chromedriver on your system.

  3. Prepare a CSV file (sample.csv) with the following columns:

    • Country
    • Validity Begins
    • License Plate
    • Powered by (optional)
    • Type of Vignette
  4. Run the script:

    python bulk_purchase.py

Script Description

  • csv_reader: Reads the data from the provided CSV file.
  • order_placing: Opens the purchase link, accepts cookies, and iterates through each row in the CSV to fill the purchase form.
  • WebDriver: Utilizes Selenium WebDriver to automate web interactions.
  • time: Includes time for waits and delays.
  • Keys: Utilizes Keys for special keyboard interactions.
  • CSV: Reads CSV file using the csv module.


This script is provided as-is, without warranty of any kind. Use it at your own risk and ensure compliance with the terms of service of any website being automated.


This script was authored by ritesh pushkar