Serenity common datasource module
This module build on top of sequelize ORM. It reads all the sequelize schema definations from a directory and initialize each schema, and exposes them as sequelize Models via a common object.
How to install ?
Install via npm and git
npm install git+
How to use?
Include the serenity-datasource into your application using require
var serenityDatasource = require('serenity-datasource');
Instantiate datasource using new operator passing in the congifuration object.
var datasource = new serenityDatasource(config);
Errors during instantiation has to be handled by the applicaiton
Configuration object should define datasource configuration inner object with a mandatory properties defined below
modelsDirectory: This directory path has to be relative to current
path which is currently running. Generally application would be run from the application root directory so in that case this path would be relative to application root.NOTE: Path is case sensitive and must not end with slash
pgURL: postgresql connection string
dbOptions (optional DB options as supported by sequelize) See sequelize docs for more inof
modelsDirectory and pgURL is mandatory and dbOptions is optional
Sample config object
datasource: {
modelsDirectory: <STRING> <REQUIRED> './api/models',
pgURL: <STRING> <REQUIRED> 'postgres://postgres@localhost:5432/travis_ci_test',
dbOptions: <OBJECT> <OPTIONAL> {}
var config = {
modelsDirectory: './api/models',
pgURL: 'postgres://postgres@localhost:5432/challengeapi'
var serenityDatasource = require('serenity-datasource');
var datasource = new serenityDatasource(config);
var Challenge = datasource.Challenge;
// use the Challenge model