
This project, is a comprehensive text manipulation tool. It implements functionality to search and replace text within files, supporting command-line argument parsing, file I/O operations, and optional wildcard search capabilities.

Primary LanguageC

Text Manipulation Tool


This project, is a comprehensive text manipulation tool. It implements functionality to search and replace text within files, supporting command-line argument parsing, file I/O operations, and optional wildcard search capabilities.


  • Command-Line Argument Parsing: Process arguments including search text, replacement text, optional wildcard flag, and line ranges.
  • Text File Processing: Open, read, and write text files to implement the search and replace functionality.
  • Search and Replace: Search for specific text in the input file and replace it with provided text in the output file.
  • Wildcard Search: Implement an optional wildcard search feature to extend the functionality of text search.


The tool accepts various command-line arguments to specify the input and output files, text to search, replacement text, and additional options. Here's the general syntax:


  • -s: Specify the text to search for in the input file. This option is required.
  • -r: Specify the text that will replace the search text in the output file. This option is required.
  • -w: Enable wildcard searching. This option is optional.
  • -l: Specify the start and end lines to process in the input file. Lines outside this range are copied unmodified. This option is optional.

Example Usage

  1. Basic Search and Replace
./text_tool -s hello -r world input.txt output.txt

This replaces all occurrences of "hello" with "world" in input.txt and writes the result to output.txt.

  1. Wildcard Search
./text_tool -s he* -r wo -w input.txt output.txt

Using the wildcard option, this replaces words starting with "he" with "wo".

  1. Line Range Specification
./text_tool -s hello -r world -l 5 10 input.txt output.txt

Performs the replacement only on lines 5 to 10 of the input file.

Implementation Details

  • Language: The tool is implemented in C.
  • Libraries: Utilizes standard C libraries for string processing and file I/O operations.
  • Error Handling: Includes comprehensive error handling to manage different edge cases and input errors.


This Text Manipulation Tool is a practical application of systems programming concepts, demonstrating file manipulation, command-line processing, and string operations in C.