This repo is open source, anyone can contribute their solution to any leetcode question.
- list_of_questions.txt contains the list of questions that has already been contributes, so make sure you do not make Add type of issue for question in list_of_questions.txt
- Create an issue:- Keep title in this format <Add/Update>:, (Add if you are adding new question, and Update is you are giving better solution for existing one).
- I will put labels like Hacktoberfest or anything you want, if you are looking to take part in it, just let me know in issue description.
- After I assign the issue to you, you can make a PR and I will review it later.
- You will need to add the title of qusetion in list_of_questions.txt.(ignore this if your PR was update type)
Keep these things in mind while making :-
- It doesn't matter if the solution you give is not yours.
- Code must be clean and understandable.
- You need to write the approach in comments before writing solutions for understandability.
- If you want to submit a solution for any new topic whose folder is not there, lets say graph, and if there is not any folder for graph, you will need to make a folder.