Contains links and presentation files for talks (held weekly) on machine learning.
Jupyter Notebook
Instead of working in isolation, why not collaborate and work together on interesting ideas, form teams and participate in competitions, or just have discussions about what is trending in Machine Learning. To make that happen, we conduct talks every week or so, mostly on Saturday evening.
This repository consists of presentations and links to previous talk material. You can find the plan and the rules for the talk HERE
Steps to follow if you want to give a talk:
Fill up your name and the topic in this sheet. After doing so, inform in the grp so that your peers may have a look at the prerequisites.
Make sure your talk is decided at least 2 days before the presenting, to avoid any last minute hassle.
After your talk is done, update the talk table below, and upload your presentation to the ppt folder through a PR (keep in mind the name: Talk[x], where [x] is the talk number)