
Where to volunteer your tech + data skills to work against Trump's America

Code Against Trump

Post-election there's been a groundswell of data + tech people curious to use their skills to work against Trump's America. There have also been a number of new groups emerging to do just that. It's been a little hard to keep track. This is a list of volunteer-based groups that use data and technology to improve American communities and work against Trump's vision of America.

This list is not comprehensive. Please add to it! Submit a pull request or email me at datalensdc@gmail.com

An Important Note

Data and technology is but one part of a very large toolbox in fighting back. Please check out websites like Holy Fuck. Now What? and political-resources on other ways to volunteer time or money (and help grow each list, respectively). Many of the groups below are predominantly focused on data and tech but invite people from all skillsets and levels of expertise.

Where can I Code Against Trump?

Code for America Brigades are local volunteer groups that bring together community members to help make government work better. Brigades use technology to build new tools to help with local civic issues. Projects range from brigade to brigade from topics like affordable housing, access to women's healthcare, transportation equity, open government, and more.

Where? Lots of places! Find your local brigade

DataKind couples data scientists with non-profits to address their analytical, visualization, and modeling needs. From evening or weekend events to multi-month projects, all are designed to provide social organizations with the pro bono data science skills they need to address a range of issues across education, poverty, health, human rights, the environment and cities.

Where? Washington, DC, San Francisco

Data for Democracy is a community of data people volunteering on social impact projects. It is a virtual organization that operates through Slack and Github. Current project areas include election transparency, analysis of online communities and the extreme right, campaign spending, and more.

Where? The internet. Email jonathon@datafordemocracy.org for an invitation.

DataRefuge is building refuge for federal climate and environmental data vulnerable under an administration that denies the fact of ongoing climate change at Data Rescue events across America. It is an opportunity for civic hackers, scientists, activists, and volunteers of all kinds to to identify, back-up, and help to preserve at-risk climate and environmental data resources before they are suppressed from public view and use.

Where? Cities and universities across America.

Debug Politics is a hackathon for anyone dissatisfied with the 2016 election cycle and designed to turn that dissatisfaction into a unique idea. These are weekend hackathons where developers, designers, and technologists can find innovative ways to make a real difference.


Past: San Francisco, New York City

Future: Los Angeles. Check website for more to come.

Ragtag is a group of technologists volunteering their skills and time to help progressive causes. Projects include building apps and websites for new activist organizations, volunteer tech support, maps, data visualizations, developing and producing online trainings, and more.

Where? The internet, and local chapters around the country. Signup at https://ragtag.team/join or get tech help for your org at https://ragtag.team/connect.

Open Elections Project aims to create the first free, comprehensive, standardized, linked set of election data for the United States, including federal and statewide offices.

Where? The internet. Sign-up at http://www.openelections.net/get-involved/