
A "port" of Peter Shirley's "Ray Tracing in a Weekend" book in Rust

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


A raytracer that I've been working on. Initially, this started as a port of Peter Shirley's "Ray Tracing in a Weekend" book in Rust, but I've added a bunch more features (like support for meshes and HDRs and scene serialization) and radically changed the API (with significant help from The PBR Book).

Major changes

  • Using rayon for multithreading
  • Using ultraviolet for SIMD accelerated Vec3
  • Nested if statements, loops, etc. replaced by more "rusty" structures (pattern matching, combinators)
  • Using Options instead of out parameters.
  • Complete refactoring of BVH structure. No pointer arithmatic or unsafe!
  • Explicitly passing around Rng object for reproducibility and to prevent side effects
  • Separating things out into modules.
  • Using const_generics to avoid code duplication in Rectangles

Part 2 Final Render

Rendered in 3.36 hours.