
Personal implementation of ng-quill made from 1.4.4 version from original creator.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


personal adaptation v.1.4.7


ngQuill is an Angular.js directive for Quill rich text editor.

You can get an ugly as hell demo here: ngQuill in action



I am using GitFlow --> All Changes and Pull-Requests have to be on develop-branch! Changes directly in the master branch are not longer allowed and will be rejected.


  • load angular, quill, ngquill scripts in your index.html
  • add dependency to your app module var myAppModule = angular.module('quillTest', ['ngQuill']);
  • use ngQuillConfigProvider to overwrite global settings in your config-Block
  • use ngquill directive in your html <ng-quill-editor ng-model="message" toolbar="true" link-tooltip="true" image-tooltip="true" toolbar-entries="font size bold list bullet italic underline strike align color background link image" editor-required="true" required="" error-class="input-error"></ng-quill-editor>
  • if you use it in a form and you are resetting it via $setPristine() -> you have to set editor.setHTML('') -> it will add the error class only, if the model has ng-dirty class


  • use ngQuillConfigProvider.set(fontSizes, fontFamilies) to set fonts and available sizes
  • show toolbar: toolbar="isVisible" (default: false)
  • connect model: ng-model="message" (required)
  • set toolbar entries (formats): toolbar-enries="font bold ..." (separated by whitespace, if you want all -> delete the attribute, default: all)
  • show link tooltip: link-tooltip="true" (default: false)
  • show image tooltip: image-tooltip="true" (default: false)
  • set to required: editor-required="true" (adds hidden text-input that checks length of content) and you have to add html5 attribute required to carry about form validation for the model (sets correct classes at the dom-node - ng-dirty, invalid and so on)
  • customized error class added to editors container div: error-class="input-error"
  • set save format: save="html" (default: 'html', supports 'html', 'text', 'contents')
  • set theme name: theme="snow" (default: 'snow')
  • set readOnly: read-only="" (default: false) - requires function to be executed
  • set translations: translations="dict.editor" (object with editor translations -> default is english)
  • overwrite global config for each editor: fontsize-options="fontsizeOptions" fontfamily-options="fontfamilyOptions"
  • name: name="editoreName" (optional, String) --> editor name is passed to the editorCreated event if set
  • callback callback="functionName(editor, name)" --> another usage to get editor instance if created --> call custom function with parameters editor and optional name
  • styles: editor-styles="true" (optional, Bool) (default: false) - attach CSS to HEAD, do not set if you use a theme


  • font: 'Font',
  • size: 'Size',
  • small: 'Small',
  • normal: 'Normal',
  • large: 'Large',
  • huge: 'Huge',
  • bold: 'Bold',
  • italic: 'Italic',
  • underline: 'Underline',
  • strike: 'Strikethrough',
  • textColor: 'Text Color',
  • backgroundColor: 'Background Color',
  • list: 'List',
  • bullet: 'Bullet',
  • textAlign: 'Text Align',
  • left: 'Left',
  • center: 'Center',
  • right: 'Right',
  • justify: 'Justify',
  • link: 'Link',
  • image: 'Image',
  • visitURL: 'Visit URL',
  • change: 'Change',
  • remove: 'Remove',
  • done: 'Done',
  • cancel: 'Cancel',
  • insert: 'Insert',
  • preview: 'Preview'


  • editorCreated: triggered after editor is created and provides editor-object and the optional editor name

Advanced Usage and Configuration

After editor creation you can use everything from the ordinary quill editor -> listen to editorCreated and work with the editor instance in your controller like you want ;). Add modules, use the quill API or listen to Events. Keep in mind to use $timeout if you are listening / working with quill-Events and updating some $scope stuff to notify angular about it ;). Quill Documentation

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