
An AI-based chess game that implements basic OOP concepts in Java

Primary LanguageJava


An AI-based chess game that implements basic OOP concepts in Java. Uses Alpha-Beta Pruning on top of the standard Minimax algorithm to find the optimal moves with a search tree depth of 4.

Executing the Game

The game can be played by simply running ChessAI.jar file. The game can also be imported directly to an IDE. Note :- .jar file will execute only when you've JDK installed in your machine.


  1. GUI Developed using Java Swing
  2. Easy to understand Class Design
  3. Legal Moves of a piece get highlighted on clicking it
  4. Uses a number of Event Listeners
  5. Players can choose to set time for move during the beginning of game
  6. Shows the dismissed pieces for both the alliances

Note :- For understanding the Object Oriented Design, kindly go through the Documentation.