
Get all the weather details of a city in one go

Primary LanguagePHP


This application was made using PHP, Bootstrap, CSS and HTML

It makes use of the public api made available by OpenWeatherMap. It simply parses the json file fetched from the api and gives details about the weather conditions like :

  • Weather Description
  • Temperature
  • Wind Speed
  • Time of Sunrise
  • Time of Sunset

Basic Usage

  1. To run this, you will need LAMP installed on your Linux machine. See here
  2. Wherever you've cloned this on your computer, copy from that location to /var/www/html directory using the command
    $ sudo cp from/path/{back.png,WScrapper.php} /var/www/html/
  3. Now simply type http://localhost//WScrapper.php and hit enter.

Any changes aimed at improving the app are welcome.