
Initial front-end task for SocialCops'16

Primary LanguageHTML


Initial front-end task for SocialCops'16 on Sachin Tendulkar

Sachin Tendulkar is a former Indian cricketer, widely regarded to be the greatest cricketer of all time -Wikipedia

Resources used in this project :

  1. HTML & CSS
    1. Bootstrap
  2. JavaScript
    1. JQuery
    2. JQuery-CSV
    3. AngularJS
    4. ChartJS
    5. npm.
  3. Data
    1. sachin.csv
    2. Cric API
    3. Knoema.com


The package contains only AngularJS and JQuery-CSV in node_modules and the rest of the package.json dependencies can be downloaded and installed using npm in the following way :

    npm install jquery --save
    npm install bootstrap --save 

or just

    npm install

to install all necessary dependencies at once.


  1. Clone/download this repo (do not change the package structure!)
  2. Install necessary/missing dependencies using npm as listed in the package.json file into node_modules folder.
  3. Start any server in the directory
  4. Open up any browser and go to localhost on your machine.
  5. If the page loads completely - Rejoice!
  6. If page doesn't load - wait for some time (probably fetching data from the APIs).
  7. If nothing happens - panic and contact me immediately!

In case you are lazy to do all the above, head over

The project is hosted right ->Here<- check it out!