
Demonstration of using Apache Spark to build robust ETL pipelines while taking advantage of open source, general purpose cluster computing.

Primary LanguagePython

Spark ETL

How to run

Start the vagrant vm

vagrant up

Get bash shell in vagrant vm

vagrant ssh

Set config script permission (you may not need to do this depending on how you execute)

sudo chmod +x /vagrant/config.sh

Move to /vagrant directory

cd /vagrant/config

Execute config


Install Pyspark


Move to src directory

cd /vagrant/src

Execute Spark Application

spark-submit --driver-class-path /vagrant/lib/postgresql-42.1.4.jar etl.py

Data Retrieval

Grabbed data using Python 3.5.2 using scripts in the data_retrieval directory

Postgres configs (Scripted in config.sh)

You only need these steps if you aren't using the config.sh script to set everything up

  • Default username is postgres.
  • Default db is postgres

sudo docker run --name some-postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d postgres

sudo docker exec -it some-postgres bash

su postgres


CREATE TABLE stock_data (
    symbol text,
    date date,
    open int,
    high int,
    low int,
    close int,
    volume int,
    adj_close int,
    month int,
    year int,
    day int
CREATE TABLE avg_month_close (
    month int,
    average_month_close int
CREATE TABLE adjusted_close_count (
    month int,
    count int