______________________________ CS 101 -2015 PROJECT ______________________________ ______________________________ SPYBOT (FIREBIRD V) ______________________________ ______________________________ Group Details ______________________________ Team ID:-424 Team Members ___________________ 1) Ritwick Chaudhary :- 14D070063 2) Ritvik Mathur :- 14D070018 3) Aman Dixit :- 14D070053 4) Preshit Wazalwar :- 140040003 _____________________________________________ Instructions to setup the bot. _____________________________________________ 1) Softwares Required _____________________________ a) XCTU-5620. b) Atmel Studio 6.0 c) AVR Bootloader. d) Ulead Studio(Easy Cap). _____________________________ 2) Steps _____________________________ a) Install all the above mentioned softwares on your pc. b) Open the final code in Atmel Studio 6.0 and build it in desired location. c) Open the AVR bootloader and upload the final code (hex file) on bot using bootloader. e) Open the ulead studio, there you can get the live feed from the camera installed ont the bot. d) Mount the X-Bee on the platform and connecct it to your pc and open the X-CTU and from there you can control the bot by giving commands from keyboard. _____________________________ Commands for the bot _____________________________ num 8 - Move Forward num 2 - Move Backward num 4 - Turn left num 6 - Turn right num 7 - Activating ARA algorithm. _____________________________ 3) LINK For Final Video _____________________________