
Before starting, you need to set up Android/IOS Environment in your Machine. You can follow this guide.

After the environment is set-up, you may need to intall react-native globally. Install it using this command.

npm install -g react-native-cli

Now, extract this project in your machine.

Open the project folder in any of the text editor.

Now, you will need to install the node modules the project needs.

To install the node modules, run this command in your project directory:

npm install

Now, you need to build the app in emulator. To do this, run this command in your project folder:

npx react-native run-android

If this gives some error, use this command

npx react-native run-android --no-jetifier

After the app is successfully build, open new terminal and change directory to project directory. We need to start this project in our emulator. Open the app in your emulator and run this command:

npx react-native start

To generate apk