
A text analytics library with support for codemixed data

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Lingualytics : Easy codemixed analytics

Lingualytics is a Python library for dealing with code mixed text.
Lingualytics is powered by powerful libraries like Pytorch, Transformers, Texthero, NLTK and Scikit-learn.


🌟 Features

  1. Preprocessing

    • Remove stopwords
    • Remove punctuations, with an option to add punctuations of your own language
    • Remove words less than a character limit
  2. Representation

    • Find n-grams from given text
  3. NLP

    • Classification using PyTorch
      • Train a classifier on your data to perform tasks like Sentiment Analysis
      • Evaluate the classifier with metrics like accuracy, f1 score, precision and recall
      • Use the trained tokenizer to tokenize text

🧠 Pretrained Models

Checkout some codemix friendly models that we have trained using Lingualytics

💾 Installation

Use the package manager pip to install lingualytics.

pip install lingualytics

🕹️ Usage


from lingualytics.preprocessing import remove_lessthan, remove_punctuation, remove_stopwords
from lingualytics.stopwords import hi_stopwords,en_stopwords
from texthero.preprocessing import remove_digits
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv(
   "https://github.com/lingualytics/py-lingualytics/raw/master/datasets/SAIL_2017/Processed_Data/Devanagari/validation.txt", header=None, sep='\t', names=['text','label']
# pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None)
df['clean_text'] = df['text'].pipe(remove_digits) \
                                    .pipe(remove_punctuation) \
                                    .pipe(remove_lessthan,length=3) \


Currently available datasets are

from lingualytics.learner import Learner

learner = Learner(model_type = 'bert',
                model_name = 'bert-base-multilingual-cased',
                dataset = 'SAIL_2017')

Custom Dataset

The train data path should have 3 files

  • train.txt
  • validation.txt
  • test.txt

Any file should have the text and label in a line, separated by a tab. Then change the data_dir to the path of your custom dataset.

Find topmost n-grams

from lingualytics.representation import get_ngrams
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv(

ngrams = get_ngrams(df['text'],n=2)


Documentation | API Reference

Documentation is a work in progress! Have a look at it here.

👪 Contributing

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

⚖️ License


📚 References

  1. Khanuja, Simran, et al. "GLUECoS: An Evaluation Benchmark for Code-Switched NLP." arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.12376 (2020).