

This README provides an overview of the app and guides you through integrating a TFLite model to enable powerful AI features.

App Description The app is designed to [briefly describe the app's main purpose and features].

Figma UI Design You can view the basic UI design of the app on Figma: Figma UI Design'

TFLite Model Integration

Our app leverages a TFLite (TensorFlow Lite) model to enable [mention the purpose of using the model, e.g., image recognition, natural language processing, etc.]. Here's how you can integrate it:

Prerequisites Before you proceed with the integration, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

Clone the TFLite model integration repository: shell Copy code git clone Navigate to the project directory: shell Copy code cd tflitemodel [Add more specific instructions on how to set up the TFLite model, including any model files, dependencies, or configuration changes required] [Provide instructions on how to use the TFLite model within the app]