
Morpheus - Automated Ettercap TCP/IP Hijacking Tool

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Morpheus - automated ettercap TCP/IP Hijacking tool

morpheus v1.9-Alpha

Version release : v1.9-Alpha
Author : pedro ubuntu  [ r00t-3xp10it ]
Distros Supported : Linux Ubuntu, Kali, Mint, Parrot OS
Suspicious-Shell-Activity (SSA) RedTeam develop @2016

WARNING: This project its not finished yet (under develop!)


The author does not hold any responsibility for the bad use
of this tool, remember that attacking targets without prior
consent it's illegal and punished by law.

This tool main objective it's not to provide an easy way to exploit/sniff targets..
but ratter a 'Call to attention' to tcp/udp manipulation technics (etter filters).
"To inspire people to script, thats the reason for the existence of option[W] in main menu"
I belive that the most funny step, it will be when you write your own filter and watch it run.

Framework description

morpheus framework automates tcp/udp packet manipulation tasks by using etter filters
to manipulate target requests/responses under MitM attacks replacing the contents of the
tcp/udp packet by our contents before forward the packet back to the target host...

1º - attacker -> arp poison local lan (mitm)
2º - target   -> requests webpage from network (wan)
3º - attacker -> modifies webpage response (contents)
4º - attacker -> modified packet its forward back to target host

morpheus ships with some pre-configurated filters but it will allow users to improve them
when launch the attack (morpheus scripting console). In the end of the attack morpheus
will revert the filter back to is default stage, this will allow users to improve filters
at running time without the fear of messing with filter command syntax and spoil the filter.

"Perfect for scripting fans to safely test new concepts"...

What can we acomplish by using filters?

morpheus comes with a collection of etter filters writen be me to acomplish various tasks:
replacing images in webpages, replace text in webpages, inject payloads using html <form> tag,
denial-of-service attacks (drop,kill packets from source), https/ssh downgrade attacks,
redirect target browser traffic to another domain and gives you the ability to build
compile your filter from scratch and run it through morpheus framework (option W).

"filters can be extended using browser languages like: javascript,css,flash,etc"...

In this example we are using " HTML tag" to inject an rediretion url into target request morpheus v1.6-Alpha In this example we are using 'CSS3' to trigger webpage 180º rotation morpheus v1.6-Alpha

Framework limitations

1º - morpheus will fail if target system its protected againt arp poison atacks
2º - downgrade attacks will fail if browser target has installed only-https addon
3º - target system sometimes needs to clear the net cache for arp poison to be effective
4º - many attacks described in morpheus may be dropped by the target HSTS detection sys.

5º - incorrect number of token (///) in TARGET !! morpheus v1.6-Alpha

Morpheus by default will execute the ettercap using IPv6 (USE_IPV6 = ACTIVE) As it is
configured in the 'settings' file, if you are getting this error edit settings File
before running morpheus and set (USE_IPV6 = DISABLED) to force ettercap to use IPV4

6º - morpheus needs ettercap to be executed with higth privileges (uid 0 | gid 0). morpheus v1.6-Alpha

correct ettercap configuration display (running as Admin without ssl disectors active) morpheus v1.6-Alpha

By default morpheus (at startup) will replace the original etter.conf/etter.dns files
provided by ettercap. On exit morpheus will revert the files to is original state.. 


required: ettercap, nmap, apache2, zenity
sub-dependencies: dnsniff (urlsnarf,tcpkill)


alor&naga (ettercap framework)  | fyodor (nmap framework)
filters: irongeek (replace img) | seannicholls (rotate 180º) | TheBlaCkCoDeR09 (ToR-Browser-0day)

Framework option 1 [firewall] screenshots

firewall [option 1] pre-configurated filter will capture credentials from the follow services:
http,ftp,ssh,telnet (facebook uses https/ssl :( ) report suspicious connections, report common
websocial browsing (facebook,twitter,youtube), report the existence of botnet connections like:
Mocbot IRC Bot, Darkcomet, redirect browser traffic and allow users to block connections (drop,kill) 
"Remmenber: morpheus gives is users the ability to 'add more rules' to filters befor execution"

[morpheus] host:   [ -> ]  port:23 telnet  ☆
           Source ip addr      flow    destination     rank good

[morpheus] host:   [ <- ]  port:23 telnet  ☠
           Destination ip      flow    source port     rank suspicious

morpheus v1.6-Alpha

morpheus v1.6-Alpha

morpheus v1.6-Alpha

morpheus v1.6-Alpha

morpheus v1.6-Alpha

morpheus v1.6-Alpha

morpheus v1.6-Alpha

morpheus v1.6-Alpha

Basically firewall filter will act like one offensive and defensive tool analyzing the

> tcp/udp data flow to report logins,suspicious traffic,brute-force,block target ip,etc.