
Utilize Tableau to visually summarize 2.3 million lines of Citi Bike Rider data

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Bikesharing Dashboard with Tableau

Utilize Tableau to Visualize Citibike Ridership Trends

Goals  •  Dataset  •  Tools Used  •  Results  •  Summary


We are using Tableau to study Citibike ridership trends in NYC, in order to convince investors that a bike-sharing program in a new city is a solid business proposal. To solidify the proposal, one of the key stakeholders would like to see a bike trip analysis.

For this analysis, we'll use Pandas to change the "tripduration" column from an integer to a datetime datatype. Then, using the converted datatype, you’ll create a set of visualizations to:

  • Show the length of time that bikes are checked out for all riders and genders
  • Show the number of bike trips for all riders and genders for each hour of each day of the week
  • Show the number of bike trips for each type of user and gender for each day of the week.

Please see our Tableau Dashboard in the link below:

Link to Dashboard


I retrieved monthly ridership data from Citibikenyc in CSV format, which will be my Tableau data source

  • Citi Bike Monthly Rider Data - August 2019: CSV file containing 2,344,223 rows of rider data

Tools Used

  • Tableau Desktop: Powerful and robust data visualization software


Using the visualizations we have in our Tableau Story, here are the results of our analysis of NY Citi Bike Ridership data.

Checkout Times for Users

According to the below line graph, the vast majority of bike rides tend to last around 5 minutes: Checkout Times for Users

Gender Breakdown

The below pie chart indicates that males are the major target demographic:

Gender Breakdown

Checkout Times by Gender

Adding the gender layer on top of the trip duration data, we see that mostly males are using the citi bikes for short 5 minute rides: Checkout Times by Gender

Weekday Trips Per Hour

The below chart outlines peak ridership by weekday and hour. 8-9 AM and 5-7 PM tend to be peak ridership times on weekdays. Off peak times during the week tend to happen from 10 AM - 5 PM; however during the weekend we're seeing increased ridership during these same hours.

Weekday Trips Per Hour

Trips by Gender (Per Weekday Per Hour)

Adding the gender layer to Weekday Trips per Hour, we see that males account for the majority of ridership during peak hours.

Trips by Gender (Per Weekday Per Hour)

User Trips by Gender by Weekday

The below chart indicates that the bulk of ridership tend to be subscribers:

User Trips by Gender by Weekday

Bike Repairs

Given the major potential costs associated with mechanical breakdowns, we've introduced this visual that tracks the bike IDs and how many repairs they've had:

Bike Repairs


We've been able to process a CSV file with 2.3 Million rows of rider data and provide these helpful visual summaries for our sales pitch to investors. The above charts provide crucial information for our Iowa pilot. The data indicates that:

  • Males are the target demographic
  • Most riders are program subscribers
  • Peak ridership hours happen during morning and evening weekday commutes

Along with the above visualizations, here are two additional ideas to punch up our sales deck and set you up for funding success:

  • Additional demographic data would be very helpful, we'd like to determine the age range of the majority of bike share users
  • In order to determine proper liability coverage, we'd like to visualize the most common accident types for NY Citi Bike riders

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