
Build Interactive Web Dashboard for Exploring Belly Button Biodiversity Data using Plotly.js, Javascript and D3.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Belly Button Biodiversity Dashboard with Plotly.js

Build Interactive Web Dashboard for Exploring Belly Button Biodiversity Data using Plotly.js, Javascript and D3.js

Goals  •  Dataset  •  Tools Used  •  Analysis and Challenges


Utilize JavaScript, Plotly, and D3.js to build the following visualizations:

  • horizontal bar chart to display the top 10 bacterial species (OTUs) when an individual’s ID is selected from the dropdown menu on the webpage
  • bubble chart that will display the following when an individual’s ID is selected from the dropdown menu webpage
  • gauge chart that displays the weekly washing frequency's value, and display the value as a measure from 0-10 on the progress bar in the gauge chart when an individual ID is selected from the dropdown menu


Tools Used

  • Javascript: Programming language used for creating visually appealing and dynamic web content
    • Plotly.js: Javascript library used to create engaging and dynamic charts
    • D3.js: Javascript library used for data visualization, reading JSON files and placing API calls
  • HTML: Hypertext Markup Language used to build and design webpages
  • CSS: Creative Style Sheets add dynamic visual styling to html webpages

Analysis and Challenges

Using Javascript, we built a javascript function in our charts.js file that compiled data from samples.json, and through the following plotly CDN generated the descriptive charts below:

<script src="https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-latest.min.js"></script>

Bar Chart

Bubble Chart


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