
An open source api for tracking expenses

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Expenses tracker

This is just a simple API to support different operations for expenses tracking. The idea is that developers can create instances of this API and use it for calculus, registration, stats and projections.

Development setup (docker)

  1. Create the .env file out of the env.template file.

cp .env.template ./.env

  1. Fill all values on .env file.

Note: The following variables on the .env files have a default value (to match docker-compose service name):


If you happen not to use docker-compose setup, make sure to change this to match the correct db server ip or domain

  1. Build the docker containers

For development environments

docker-compose up --build

or for production environments

docker-compose --file docker-compose.yml --file docker-compose.prod.yml up --build

  1. While the previous command is running, in another terminal, please run the db configuration script (Only run this once, no needed for future builds)

bash docker-config/bin/mongo/addUsers.sh

  1. Stop the docker-compose running instance and start them again with docker-compose up

Run the project (docker)

Simply in development environemnt, run

docker-compose up

Run untit tests on docker

Provide permissions to the script

chmod +x bin/scripts/run-unit-tests-with-docker.sh



Production setup with domain and SSL with certbot and letsencrypt

All of the previous setup steps are required for the setup of the production environment.

Note: The reference for the nginx-certbot docker production configuration file comes from this guide and also from this repo (Which is made from the previously mentioned guide)

Copy the necessary template

Copy the files for the Docker production configuration and the LetsEncrypt initialization script

cp docker-compose.prod.yml.template ./docker-compose.prod.yml; cp init-letsencrypt.sh.template ./init-letsencrypt.sh;

Note: There are some comments in the docker-compose.prod.yml, we will be referring to the steps in that file as to which are the ones we have to uncomment at a given time in the setup.

In the init-letsencrypt.sh file, make sure to:

  1. Replace the example.com and www.example.com by your domain names in the domains variable.
  2. Add your email to the email variable.
  3. If you are testing, set the staging variable to 1 to avoid request limits to letsencrypt.

Add an nginx configuration file

Create the folder structure for the nginx configuration file.

On the root of the project: mkdir nginx; mkdir nginx/conf.d

Add your nginx configuration file for the production environment and call it default.conf.

Here is a suggestion of the nginx configuration file.

Note: Remember to change all appearances of the example.org string in the file to your domain name.

Disclaimer: This is a suggested configuration file, please be aware that the file should addapt to your needs and security practices.

docker-compose.prod.yml steps 1 and 2

Please follow the instruction of the steps 1 and 2 of the docker-compose.prod.yml

Run the project for the first time

docker-compose --file docker-compose.yml --file docker-compose.prod.yml up --build

Note that the project is broken, now stop it and run:

docker-compose down

Run the init-letsencrypty.sh

Provide the init-letsencrypt.sh file with execution permissions

chmod +x init-letsencrypt.sh

Run it


Once it runs successfully for the first time, change the variable staging of the init-letsencrypt.sh file from 1 to 0 to emit the real certificate and run the scripty again;


if this one ran successfully, you have generated the SSL certificates and you are ready to go.

Configure the certificate auto-renewal

Make sure to execute the steps 3 and 4 of the docker-compose.prod.yml file.

Run the production environment

docker-compose --file docker-compose.yml --file docker-compose.prod.yml up --build


  • Create a script to always check if the db is fully configured and if not, run bash docker-config/bin/mongo/addUsers.sh (To set up the db user), if so, IGNORE it
  • Add to this README.md file how to run the project from the bash scripts that will start and stop docker-compose