
"File Instance Already Deleted" Error in Next.js HMR

fdarian opened this issue · 8 comments

When using useRive in Next.js, it always throw "BindingError: File instance already deleted" when performing Hot-Module Reload or any change to file in Next.js development server.

Screenshot 2022-12-14 at 12 18 44

btalb commented

Also seeing this issue.

Seem to be able to reliably get the app working again by saving the file 3 times each time I make a change, but very disruptive nonetheless.

Getting this same error during HMR on a React 17 + Vite 4 project

How were you able to import the .riv file into next js

@farreldarian would adding the // @refresh reset to the useRive hook here help? We clean up Rive instances once the component unmounts to clear up all C++-created objects downstream from a WASM dependency and so any Rive-based component should hard refresh state with HMR.

As an immediate solution, you might try isolating the use of Rive in your projects to its own component with the // @refresh reset comment at top, and just add that custom passthrough component wherever you had it before

@zplata Still getting the same error and i am using the @rive-app/react-canvas package

n immediate solution, you might try isolating the use of Rive in your projects to its own component with the // @refresh reset comment at top, and just add that custom passthrough component wherever you had it before

Hey, sorry for the delay. Where should I put it? tried one at the beginning of the file, on top of useRive hook, and on top of the component, has no effect.

I'm seeing this issue as well in Next.js. I have the Rive animation in an isolated component with a few other things, and the // @refresh reset directive at the top.

I'm using the useRive hook from @rive-app/react-canvas

spro commented

Isolated component approach is working for me with @rive-app/react-canvas 3.0.35 and next 13.1.1 with // @refresh reset as the very first line of the file. The animation doesn't replay (not sure if that'd be expected) but at least the error doesn't show up.

// @refresh reset

import React from "react"
import { useRive } from "@rive-app/react-canvas"

export default function HomeAnimation() {
    const { rive, RiveComponent } = useRive({
        src: "/nuve_instances.riv",
        autoplay: true,

    return <RiveComponent id="animation" className="w-[600px] h-[400px]" />