
Code library that offers preprocessing, forecasting, and modeling functionalities for time series data.

Primary LanguagePython

Authors -

  • Cameron Jordal
  • JT Kashuba
  • Noah Kruss
  • Nick Titzler
  • River Veek

Group - Keyboard Warriors

Last Modified - 2/9/2021

CIS 422 - Project 1

Time Series Manipulations, Modeling, and Forecasting

System Description

This system is a code library that provides functionality for processing time series data - specifically cleaning it up, displaying different forms of output, and producing / applying forecasting models, all in the form of a data processing tree. The Time Series Tree (TS_Tree) stores references of these operations and the data is processed after calling a path / tree execution command. Paths in the tree can also be referred to as “pipelines”.

How To Install and Run

See installation_instructions.txt for a step-by-step install guide

Note: csv files used in this system MUST start with 1 header line which describes what each column in the file represents

Software Dependencies

Python 3.0 or later

See requirements.txt for a full list of dependencies

Repo Organization

  • tree.py - Time-Series Tree class and functions
  • file_io.py - Functions for opening and saving Time Series data files
  • modeling.py - Functions for creating forecasting models
  • preprocessing.py - Functions for cleaning up and scaling Time Series data
  • visualization.py - Functions for plotting Time Series data and computing errors in forecasted models.
  • testing - A suite of test case files for each of the python files listed above.
  • installation_instructions.txt - Document that provides the User instructions on how to install this repository
  • requirements.txt - Document that denotes what libraries need to be imported by the user for the project to work.
  • timeSeriesData - A directory of different Time Series data files which were used as examples in the creation of this project.
  • documentation - A directory containing the following pieces of documentation
    • SRS.pdf - Software Requirements Specification
    • SDS.pdf - Software Design Specification
    • Project_Plan - A directory of PDF files containing
      • roles / responsibilities of each team member
      • individual progress made by each team member
      • documentation from group meetings
      • agendas for team meetings
      • benchmarks / goals
      • documentation specifications
      • questions asked
    • Programmer_Documentation.pdf - Document that provides a programmer with documentation for every function in the preprocessing, tree, modeling, visualization, and file I/O module. The parameters, returns and doc-strings for each function will be included as well.
    • User_Documentation.pdf - Document that goes over how a typical user can use the system and walk through a typical use case.
    • presentation.pdf - A PDF of the slides used in the presentation to the client
  • output - directory to store csv files created from a write_to_file command

Some helpful examples at a glance:

Tree node operations:

  • add_node(operation: str, node_index, input_parameters)

  • replace_node(operation: str, node_index, input_parameters)

  • add_subtree(TREE_1, node_index, subtree)

  • copy_subtree(TREE_2, subtree_root_index)

  • save_tree(“output_file.txt”)

  • load_tree(“input_file.txt”)

  • execute_path(“fileName.txt”, node_index)

  • execute_tree(“fileName.txt”)

input_parameters for specific functions:

Note: A time series gets called in each of these functions, but only by execute_path or execute_tree. The user will never actually pass a time series to these functions themselves as an argument. It will happen implicitly in all function calls when the user calls execute_path or execute_tree. To reiterate, execute_path and execute_tree are the only two functions that require the user to use a time series as an argument.

These input_parameters MUST be declared, otherwise the user will get errors

  • design_matrix(data_start = <float>, data_end = <float>)

  • denoise(increment = <float>)

  • impute_missing_data()

  • impute_outliers()

  • longest_continuous_run()

  • clip(data_start = <float>, data_end = <float>)

  • assign_time(data_start = <float>, increment = <float>)

  • difference()

  • scaling()

  • standardize()

  • logarithm()

  • cubic_root()

  • split_data(perc_training = <float>, perc_valid = <float>, perc_test = <float>)

  • ts2db(input_filename = <str>, perc_training = <float>, perc_val = <float>, perc_test = <float>)

  • data_start = <float>, data_end = <float>, output_filename = <str>)

  • db2ts()

  • plot()

  • histogram()

  • box_plot()

  • normality_test()

  • mse(input_filename = <str>)

  • mape(input_filename = <str>)

  • smape(input_filename = <str>)

  • mlp_model(layers = <list>)

  • mlp_forecast(input_filename = <str>)

  • read_from_file()

  • write_to_file(output_filename = <str>)