To use with docker and singularity
EvidentialGene Gene Set Reconstruction Software Don Gilbert, gilbertd At indiana edu, 2018
See also
Too many transcript assemblies are much better than too few. It allows one then to apply biological criteria to pick out the best ones. Don't be misled by the "right number" of transcripts that one or other transcript assembler may produce. It is the "right sequence" you want, and now the only way to get it is to produce too many assemblies (an "over-assembly") from RNA data, with several methods and several parameter settings.
EvidentialGene is a pipeline script for processing large piles of transcript assemblies, from several methods such as Velvet/Oases, Trinity, Soap, etc, into the most biologically useful "best" set of mRNA, classified into primary and alternate transcripts.
It takes as input the transcript fasta produced by any/all of the transcript assemblers. These are classified (not clustered) into valid, non-redundant coding sequence transcripts ("okay"), and and redundant, fragment or non-coding transcripts ("drop"). The okay set is close to a biologically real set regardless of how many millions of input assemblies you start with.
It solves major problems in gene set reconstruction found in other methods:
Others do not not classify alternate transcripts of same locus properly, Alternates may differ in protein quite a bit, but share identical exon parts.
Others remove paralogs with high identity in protein sequence, which is a problem for some very interesting gene families.
Others may select artifacts with insertion errors by selecting longest transcripts. Evigene works first with coding sequences.
Quality assessment of this Transcript Assembly Software is described in
You need these additional software for tr2aacds, installed in Unix PATH or via run scripts.
- fastanrdb of exonerate package, quickly reduces perfect duplicate sequences OR
- cd-hit, cd-hit-est, clusters protein or nucleotide sequences. OR
- blastn and makeblastdb of NCBI BLAST, Basic Local Alignment Search Tool, finds regions of local similarity between sequences.