
ESP8266: PMS3003/PMS5003/PMS7003 Air Quality Sensor library based on jbanaszczyk's.

Primary LanguageC++Boost Software License 1.0BSL-1.0


I'm proud to present my ESP8266 library supporting PMSx003 Air Quality Sensor. It is based on jbanaszczyk/Pms5003 library for Arduino. I did a little job.


  • Supports all Plantover Pmsx003 features (sleep/wake up, passive/active modes), based on PMS5003,
  • Probably works fine with PMS7003(tested) and PMS3003(not tested),
  • Highly customizable:
    • Uses any serial communication library,
    • You have a choice to use or not to use: global variables or class instances.
  • Written from scratch,
  • Written in modern C++.


Install Pmsx003 library.

Let's use EspSoftwareSerial Library. Install it.

Make some connections:

  • Important: Pmsx003 uses 3.3V logic. Make sure your Arduino board uses 3.3V logic too, use converters if required.
  • Pmsx003 Pin 1: Vcc
  • Pmsx003 Pin 2: GND
  • Pmsx003 Pin 4: Your defined swsTX in Pmsx003(int8_t swsRX, int8_t swsTX)
  • Pmsx003 Pin 5: Your defined swsRX in Pmsx003(int8_t swsRX, int8_t swsTX)


Hello. The Basic scenario.

Use the code: https://github.com/riverscn/pmsx003/tree/master/examples/Simple01

#include <Arduino.h>

#include <pms.h>

Pmsx003 pms(D3, D4);


void setup(void) {
	while (!Serial) {};



auto lastRead = millis();

void loop(void) {

	const auto n = Pmsx003::Reserved;
	Pmsx003::pmsData data[n];

	Pmsx003::PmsStatus status = pms.read(data, n);

	switch (status) {
		case Pmsx003::OK:
			auto newRead = millis();
			Serial.print("Wait time ");
			Serial.println(newRead - lastRead);
			lastRead = newRead;

			// For loop starts from 3
			// Skip the first three data (PM1dot0CF1, PM2dot5CF1, PM10CF1)
			for (size_t i = Pmsx003::PM1dot0; i < n; ++i) { 
				Serial.print(" [");
		case Pmsx003::noData:

And the result is (something like this):

Wait time 836
7	PM1.0 [mcg/m3]
8	PM2.5 [mcg/m3]
8	PM10. [mcg/m3]
1368	Particles < 0.3 micron [/0.1L]
361	Particles < 0.5 micron [/0.1L]
43	Particles < 1.0 micron [/0.1L]
1	Particles < 2.5 micron [/0.1L]
0	Particles < 5.0 micron [/0.1L]
0	Particles < 10. micron [/0.1L]




class Pmsx003 {...}

Pmsx003 provides all methods, data type, enums to provide support for Pmsx003 sensor. In most cases there will be used single object of that class.

Shown in: Basic scenario

ctor/dtor: Pmsx003(int8_t swsRX, int8_t swsTX), ~Pmsx003()

See: Config: PMS_DYNAMIC

Data types


typedef uint16_t pmsData;

Type of single data received from the sensor.

Shown in: Basic scenario


typedef uint8_t pmsIdx;

Underlying type of PmsDataNames, suitable for declaring size of array receiving data from the sensor or to iterate over it.

Shown in: Second example

You can use any unsigned int type instead. As shown in: Basic scenario



enum PmsStatus : uint8_t {
	OK = 0,

status returned by read() function.

  • OK: whole data frame was correctly received
  • noData: there is not enough data to read, try again later
  • readError: read error reported by serial port supporting library
  • frameLenMismatch, sumError: mallformed data received.

Shown in: Basic scenario


enum PmsDataNames : pmsIdx {
	PM1dot0CF1 = 0,       //  0
	PM2dot5CF1,           //  1
	PM10dot0CF1,          //  2
	PM1dot0,              //  3
	PM2dot5,              //  4
	PM10dot0,             //  5
	Particles0dot3,       //  6
	Particles0dot5,       //  7
	Particles1dot0,       //  8
	Particles2dot5,       //  9
	Particles5dot0,       // 10
	Particles10,          // 11
	Reserved,             // 12
	nValues_PmsDataNames  // 13

Names (indexes) of particular data received from the sensor.

Sensor transmits array of data (each of type pmsData. If you are interested in particular data - use index. For example: data[Particles0dot3].

Shown in: Basic scenario


enum PmsCmd : __uint24 {
	cmdReadData    = ...
	cmdModePassive = ...
	cmdModeActive  = ...
	cmdSleep       = ...
	cmdWakeup      = ...

Commands that can be send to the sensor. Will be described later.

Shown in: Basic scenario

Static arrays of strings


static const char *errorMsg[];

Contains statuses returned by read() function in human readable form. Use returned value as an index: Serial.println(errorMsg[readStatus])

Shown in: Basic scenario


static const char *dataNames[];

Human readable names of PmsDataNames. Use PmsDataNames as an index.

Shown in: Basic scenario


const char *Pmsx003::getDataNames(const uint8_t idx);
Serial.print(Pmsx003::getDataNames(i)); // instead of Serial.print(Pmsx003::dataNames[i]);

There is provided range-safe function to access dataNames values: getDataNames();

Shown in: Second example


static const char *metrics[];

Metrics associated with PmsDataNames. Use PmsDataNames as an index.

Shown in: Basic scenario


const char *Pmsx003::getMetrics(const uint8_t idx);
Serial.print(Pmsx003::getMetrics(i)); // instead of Serial.print(Pmsx003::metrics[i]);

There is provided range-safe function to access metrics values: getMetrics();

Shown in: Second example



bool begin(void);

Initializes Pmsx003 object.

If defined PMS_DYNAMIC: automatically executed by ctor: Pmsx003(int8_t swsRX, int8_t swsTX)

Should be executed by global setup() otherwise.

Initializes internal serial interface object, initializes *this fields.

Shown in: Basic scenario

See: Config: PMS_DYNAMIC


void end(void);

Destroys Pmsx003 object.

If defined PMS_DYNAMIC: automatically executed by dtor: ~Pmsx003()

Not needed otherwise.

Shuts down internal serial interface object (if possible).

See: Config: PMS_DYNAMIC

setTimeout, getTimeout

void setTimeout(const unsigned long timeout);
unsigned long getTimeout(void) const;

By default - the most important method: read() does not block (it does not wait for data, just returns Pmsx003::noData).

write() in case of data transfer errors may block.

setTimeout(), getTimeout() deals with serial port timeouts.

Default timeout set by begin() equals to private: timeoutPassive, currently: 68 (twice time required to transfer 1start + 32data + 1stop using 9600bps).


void flushInput(void);

Proxy to serial port` flushInput() (if supported).

Clears all data received, but not read yet.


size_t available(void);

Semi-proxy to serial port available() (if supported).

It assumes, that we are waiting for the whole frame. Data frame begins with byte 0x42 always. All received, not read yet data, which does not match to 0x42 are discarded.

available() returns: number of received, not read bytes, the first one is 0x42.


bool waitForData(const unsigned int maxTime, const size_t nData = 0);

waitForData() may block.

waitForData(maxTime) works like a delay(maxTime), but can be terminated by Pmsx003 sensor activity.


  • maxTime: amount of time to wait,
  • nData:
    • nData == 0: break the delay by any serial port activity,
    • nData > 0: break the delay if there are nData bytes available to read, the first byte is 0x42 (see description of available()


  • true: if delay was broken (some data can be read).

Shown in: Basic scenario


PmsStatus read(pmsData *data, const size_t nData, const uint8_t dataSize = 13);

read() should not block.

The most important function of the library. It receives, transforms and verifies data provided by Pmsx003 sensor.


  • data: pointer to an array containing nData elements of type pmsData.
  • nData: number of data, that can be received and stored.
  • dataSize: In general: don't use.

Returns Pmsx003::PmsStatus:

  • Pmsx003::OK: whole, not malformed data frame was received from the sensor, up to nData elements of *data was filled according to received data.
  • Pmsx003::noData: There is not enough data to read.
  • Otherwise: refer to errorMsg

Typical usage: Basic scenario


  • It is safe to specify nData larger or smaller than number of data provided by the sensor.
  • Values from PmsDataNames can be helpful.


  • It specifies expected size of data frame: dataFrameSize = ( dataSize + 3 ) * 2;
  • If there is not enough data to complete the whole frame - read() returns Pmsx003::noData and does not block.
  • Typical frame sent by the sensor contains 32 bytes. Appropriate dataSize value is 13 (the default).


bool write(const PmsCmd cmd);

write() can block up to ackTimeout (currently 30milliseconds), typically about 10milliseconds.

It sends a command to Pmsx003 sensor. Refer to commands section.

Pmsx003 responds to some commands. The response is gathered and verified be the write() internally. That is the reason, that write() can block.



  • true: if there was no error.

Shown in: Basic scenario



private: static const auto ackTimeout = 30U;

Used internally (inside write()). Defines timeout for response read after write command.

write() can block up to ackTimeout.


static const auto wakeupTime = 2500U;

wakeupTime defines time after power on, reset or write(cmdWakeup) when the sensor is blind for any commands.

Shown in: Basic scenario

Commands and states

Pmsx003 accepts a few commands. They are not fully documented.

You can send commands to the Pmsx003 sensor using write().

From State input To State Output
[Any] Power on Active Spontaneously sends data frames
[Any] write(cmdWakeup) Active Spontaneously sends data frames
[Any] write(cmdSleep) Sleep None (waits for cmdWakeup)
Active write(cmdModePassive) Passive None
Passive write(cmdModeActive) Active Spontaneously sends data frames
Passive write(cmdReadData) Passive Sends single data frame
