
Examples of how to construct, sign, and send transactions on the NEAR blockchain.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Constructing transactions on NEAR

This repository serves to demonstrate how transactions are created, signed, and sent to the NEAR blockchain.


  • Current version of Node.js. >=v14.0.0


  1. Setup an environment variable SENDER_PRIVATE_KEY with the private key of the sender's account.

Either create a .env file in the root of this project, or export a bash variable by running the following in your terminal (replacing the example key).

export SENDER_PRIVATE_KEY=3wb4fVQvafPebkcCmyQPgMa2VsnX3JAQXZ4gjpc3kSu9AbVtLpLZqEog4xTbJrJxG1Y88SkHpuJV58GmPRnPXMD
  1. Install dependencies by running:
npm i


Send Tokens (High Level)

send-tokens-easy.js will show you the easiest (JavaScript) way to send NEAR tokens (Ⓝ) using a near-api-js method; account.sendMoney()

  1. In send-tokens-easy.js, update:
  • account IDs for sender and receiver.
  • network ID (default is testnet)
  1. Run the file and send those tokens!
node send-tokens-easy.js

Send Tokens (Low Level)

send-tokens-deconstructed.js completely dissects the transaction construction process and shows the lowest level way to send NEAR tokens (Ⓝ).

  1. In send-tokens-deconstructed.js, update:
  • account IDs for sender and receiver.
  • network ID (testnet is default)
  1. Enter the amount of Ⓝ you would like to send.
  2. Run the file and send those tokens!
node send-tokens-deconstructed.js

For a detailed walk-through, see the create-transactions doc.

Happy coding! 🚀