
A JAVA library for the fantasy-names v2.0.0 by mattconsto.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


FantasyNamesJava is a JAVA library port of the Node.js fantasy-names v2.0.0 by mattconsto. The original project can be found on its GitHub page. This project provides a set of Static classes with all the generators on the official fantasynames repository.


To use FantasyNamesJava you need to link the library JAR file to your project, which you can find on the releases page, or compile it yourself. The code was written on Eclipse Oxygen.3 Release (4.7.3).


There are no dependencies for the compiled JAR file, but if you wish to compile yourself, you'll need to link Guava and Apache Commons-IO to the project:

OBS: You'll need to edit the paths to the dependencies on the .classpath file.

Class Structures

Each of the "category" from the Full List on mattconsto's project was turned into a Static class, and each "sub-category" was turned into a Static Method containing the generator js.min file that generates the names. The JavaScript code is executed via the ScriptEngine class. The Methods receive two parameters, gender (0: Male and 1: Female) and amount (how many names you want to be generated) and return an array with all the generated names.

The ClassGenerator class uses a template to generate all the static classes. It reads all the js.min files from the "fantasy-names/generators" folder, and writes all the .java files on the "out" folder (which must exist!).


As explained above, usage is simple, just call the Static Method from the desired class. The following example from mattconsto's reposity can be replicated with JavaFantasyNames like this:


console.log(require('fantasy-names')('diablo', 'demons', 10));


//0 is for FEMALE names.
System.out.println(Arrays.toString(DiabloGenerator.generateDemons(0, 10)));

Full List

The full list of generators can be found on mattconsto's GitHub page


As stated on the original repository, this would not be possible without fantasynamegenerators.com and obviously mattconsto.