
A set of helpers for consuming Sauce Labs services from Java

Primary LanguageJava

Sauce Java Helper libraries

This project contains helper libraries for consuming Sauce Labs services from Java using TestNG and/or JUnit.

The helper libraries provide the following functionality:

  • Invoke the Sauce REST API to mark a Sauce Job as passed/failed, based on the test result
  • Output the Sauce Session Id to the stdout, so that the Sauce Continuous Integration plugins (for Bamboo/Jenkins/Hudson) can parse the output)
  • Provide a com.saucelabs.common.SauceOnDemandAuthentication class, which handles obtaining the Sauce OnDemand user name and access key from environment variables and/or the filesystem.

For JUnit projects, the library can be added to a project by including the following dependency:


For TestNG projects, the library can be added to a project by including the following dependency:


Note that the dependencies reside in the Sauce Labs Maven repository, which can be referenced by the following:
