Promela grammar for tree-sitter.
Add promela in languages.toml
name = "promela"
scope = "source.pml"
file-types = ["pml"]
comment-token = "//"
roots = []
indent = { tab-width = 2, unit = " " }
name = "promela"
source = { git = "", rev = "69985863d3a1c11d970d9a3185202d0bf3b8d843" }
Fetch and build the grammar
hx -g fetch
hx -g build
Copy the highlight and indent queries from the repository in runtime/queries/promela
# from .config/helix or you custom helix config directory
mkdir -p ~/.config/helix/runtime/queries/promela
cp ~/.config/helix/runtime/grammars/sources/promela/queries/* ~/.config/helix/runtime/queries/promela