
Easily setup your (my?) Mac with dotfiles and a custom Deno installation script 🦕

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Welcome 👋

This is my personal dotfiles in its current (most likely not final) form. It's using a git bare repo along with a hand crafted installation CLI.

What's included?

  • Brew and Brew cask programs
  • iTerm2 is still my weapon of choice. Might move to Warp once they improve Fish support.
  • Fish shell & Fisher. Comes with git aliases, fzf for easy search and z for jumping around directories.
  • Starship prompt
  • A couple of fonts, some of which from Nerd Fonts
  • Bare repo with no aliases for dotfiles 🎉


Installation and setup instructions

  1. Clone the repo in your home root. We're using the git --bare repo approach to avoid symlinking all the dotfiles. See this guide for more details.

    1. git clone --bare https://github.com/rix1/dotfiles $HOME/.dotfiles
    2. Make a temporary alias alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME'. After everything's been set up, you can use the configure command to interact with the .dotfiles git repo.
    3. config config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
    4. config checkout.
    5. Ensure that dotfiles have been added (e.g. .config/).
  2. Download the configure-macos binary from the repo's release page on Github and run it

    chmod -x configure-macos # make it executable

    This is an interactive prompt that will guide you through configuring sane Mac defaults and install recommended software. See configuration options below. The binary is a standalone compiled version of the install.ts Deno script. It will ask for permissions as you go.

    Important: The script assumes it can find installation requirements in $HOME/setup-mac/install/requirements/. Keep this in mind if you ever change the directory structure @rix1.

  3. Set iterm2 theme and fonts.

  4. Debug colors, syntax highlighting etc

  5. If you are using PGP and have your GPG key stored on Keybase, check out this guide: https://blog.scottlowe.org/2017/09/06/using-keybase-gpg-macos/

Sidenote to self: I really recommend authenticating with Github using their CLI (gh), this is a lot easier than generating and setting SSH keys.

Updating your dotfiles

I've added Fish alias to make it easy to update your dotfiles, simply run configure to enter "maintenance mode". This will alias git to make it easier to work with the bare repo.

Navigating the configuration

├── .config/          # Most config should go here
│      ├── fish
│      ├── gh
│      ├── iterm2
│      └── raycast
├── .dotfiles/        # Bare repo - you shouldn't change anything here
├── .gitconfig
├── .github           # Dotfiles README (the one you're currently reading)
│      ├── README.md
│      └── workflows
└── .setup-mac/       # Setup scripts

Customizing the default recommendations

When running the install script, it will ask you which programs you want to install. To edit the list of apps, edit the txt files in the requirements/ directory:

└── install
    └── requirements
        ├── brew.txt
        ├── cask.txt
        └── fish.txt


I've configured a Github action in .github/workflows/release.yml. This workflow triggers on push events with a tag that starts with "v" (e.g., v1.0.0). It sets up Deno, compiles your Deno app, creates a new release, and uploads the compiled binary as a release asset.

So to release a new version, simply push a new tag:

git tag v1.0.0 && git push --tags

This will trigger the workflow, and a new release with the compiled binary will be created on the GitHub repository.


  • Vscode: Dank Mono, FiraCode Nerd Font, Menlo, Monaco, Courier New, monospace
  • iTerm: FiraCode Nerd Font Mono

Note: Only Dank mono is included in this repo. You need to install the others separately:


  • Is is something wrong with the fonts? Try echo \ue0b0 \u00b1 \ue0a0 \u27a6 \u2718 \u26a1 \u2699. This should look like this Icons

  • The install script should change shell for you, but in case it doesn't here's how you do it: chsh -s $(which fish). You might have to add /opt/homebrew/bin/fish to /etc/shells for this to work: sudo echo /opt/homebrew/bin/fish >> /etc/shells.

  • For Celery (GDAL really) to work make sure DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is set:

    ~/Desktop via  v19.3.0 on ☁️  (eu-central-1)