
Starter project for REST API (Node, Typescript, Express, MikroORM, Passport, ...)

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Node Typescript REST API Starter

Used Technologies

  • Node.js
  • Typescript
  • Express.js
  • MikroORM
  • Passport
  • PostgreSQL
  • Prettier


  1. Clone this repo
  2. Install dependencies with yarn install
  3. Rename .env.sample to .env
  4. Update variables in .env file
  5. If you're using different DB than PostgreSQL run these commands
    1. Remove @mikro-cli/postgresql package
        - `yarn remove @mikro-cli/postgresql`
    2. Install different DB driver (https://mikro-orm.io/docs/installation/)
        - e.g. `yarn add @mikro-cli/mysql`
    3. Update `DB_TYPE` variable in `.env` file
  6. Run migrations
  7. Run project in development mode with yarn dev


  1. Clone this repo to deployment server
  2. Install dependencies yarn install
  3. Rename .env.sample to .env
  4. Update variables in .env file
  5. Build app with yarn build
  6. Create frontend folder inside ./dist
  7. Copy built React app into ./dist/frontend folder


All commands are specified inside package.json file

yarn dev

Running app in development mode (auto-compile & auto-restart after change).

yarn build

Builds app into dist folder

yarn start

Running built app from dist folder

yarn entities:generate

Generates entities from DB & saves them into src/db/entities folder

yarn migration:create

Creates a new migration file (in src/db/migrations) witch applied changes inside entities

yarn migration:up

Applies all (not applied) migrations to DB


  1. $ docker build . -t node-typescript-api
  2. $ docker run -p 8000:8000 -d --env-file .env --name api-starter node-typescript-api:latest
